Legislative Bills to Support in Week 6

To sign on, click the bill links below, click on "testify" and then click on "I would like my position noted for the legislative record."

 HB 5574 – Providing instruction on Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander history in public schools.

➜ Sign in PRO by Tuesday, Feb 187 am

SCPTSA Says: For too long the histories of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander have not been taught in our schools. Our students deserve to see themselves in the curriculum, and to know their histories.

HB 1834Limiting the harmful effects of social media on kids' behavioral health by enhancing data privacy and content delivery restrictions, prohibiting platforms from pushing content to kids during school and sleep hours, and equipping families with the tools necessary to ensure a healthy relationship with digital media.

➜ Sign in PRO by Tuesday, Feb 1812:30 pm

SCPTSA Says: Check out the Children’s Alliance one-pager for more info

The following bills are at-risk for not making the policy cutoff deadline on Friday. Please help send messages to legislators today asking them to schedule these bills.

HB 1051 Permitting the recording of individualized education program team meetings.

Please see this blog post by Seattle Special Education PTSA and email Representatives Santos, Rude, and Walsh today as requested.

SCPTSA Says: IEP meetings are often stressful, and have "eduspeak" or language that is very specific to education. It can be hard to follow, and to retain information from these meetings, and being able to go back and listen to what was discussed and agreed to could help to reduce misunderstandings amongst the adults who are supporting the student.

HB 1569 Increasing tax exemption transparency and accountability.

Please email Chair Ormsby timm.ormsby@leg.wa.gov today to ask for a hearing on HB 1569, increasing tax exemption transparency and accountability.

SCPTSA Says: Did you know that there are tax exemptions that have been on the books for scores of years with no sunset date? In this time of budget deficit our state must consider the cost of tax exemptions alongside the spending.  Write Appropriations Chair Timm Ormsby and ask him for a hearing on 1059, and tell him, in order for our budget to truly reflect our values we need to look at everything in it.