2024–25 Board of Directors

Executive Board


Sebrena Burr
Sam Fogg

Co-VICE Presidents

Christina Ellis
Mariam Meza de Giorello


June Nho Ivers


Liz Barry
Michele Campbell

Area Directors

District 1 SCPTSA Director—
Works with SPS Board PRESIDENT Rankin

June Nho Ivers

District 2 SCPTSA Director—
works with SPS Board Director CLARK

to be appointed

District 3 SCPTSA Director—
Works with SPS Board Director Briggs

Michele Campbell

District 4 SCPTSA Director—
Works with SPS Board Director Mizrahi

to be appointed

District 5 SCPTSA Director—
works with SPS Board Vice-President sarju

to be appointed

District 6 SCPTSA Director—
works with SPS Board Director Topp

to be appointed

District 7 SCPTSA Director—
Works with SPS Board Director Hersey

Sebrena Burr


to be appointed

Visit the Seattle Public Schools website for information about the School Board and Directors and a map of School Board Director districts.


Legislative Advocacy chair

Sam Fogg

Diversity, equity & inclusion chair

to be appointed

Family & community engagement

Hodan Mohamed (MLL Families)
De Anna Dixon

Student safety chair

Manuela Slye

High School chair

Sebrena Burr

Special Education chair

to be appointed

Reflections chair

June Nho Ivers

membership chair

to be appointed

communications co-chairs

June Nho Ivers
Michele Campbell


to be appointed

We strive for a board that equitably represents the students of the district we serve and encourage our Seattle PTAs to do the same.