Roles & Responsibilities

Associated with the SCPTSA Standing Rules

Executive Officers

The SCPTSA Executive Board members must fulfill their role responsibilities as defined in the Washington State PTA role specific handbooks. All Executive Board members must attend their role appropriate Washington State PTA training and at least one of the Executive Board Members must attend PTA and the Law training per year.


  • Serves as spokesperson for the Council

  • Presides at all meetings and plans the meeting agenda with the PTA secretary, utilizing input from others

  • With approval of the Executive Board, makes one-year appointments to positions and committees

  • Delegates responsibility and develops leaders by empowering others and acknowledging their efforts

  • Disseminates and communicates information received pertinent to PTA purposes and programs

  • Coordinates, with input from the Board of Directors, the Council’s programs and activities

  • Ensures that all officers, chairs, and committee members are current PTA members Serves as an ex officio member of all committees except the nominating committee Conducts election of nominating committee/election of officers

  • Conducts an orientation or retreat for the Board of Directors

  • Ensures that the Council is represented in the region service delivery team

  • Establishes a process to have the monthly bank statement reviewed, dated, and signed by a board member who is familiar with the operation of the PTA but who is not a signatory on the account

  • Communicates to the board all required deadlines for the payment of membership dues, registration for Washington State PTA workshops and conferences, submission of award applications, and filing of the PTA’s annual corporation report, charitable solicitations registration, insurance renewal, and federal (IRS) informational returns

  • Sets the schedule of yearly meetings for the board and members
    Ensures that the Council meets the criteria in the WSPTA Standards of Affiliation agreement.

Vice President

  • Presides at meetings in the absence of the President

  • Acts as assistant to the President

  • President’s job duties can be delegated to or shared by the Vice President as needed

  • May be responsible for a specific focus area, such as communications, membership, advocacy, or family and community engagement


  • Takes minutes, may plan the meeting agenda

  • Issues notices of meetings

  • Handles correspondence

  • Keeps an up-to-date roster of members and a current record of all committees

  • Attends a WSPTA secretary’s class/training

  • Maintains and updates the document notebook, minutes notebook and the legal documents notebook of the Council

  • Maintains accurate financial records and keeps the board and membership informed of financial matters

  • Chairs the budget committee

  • Presents the budget to the board and membership

  • Attends a WSPTA treasurer’s class/training

  • Attends to other specific duties and responsibilities listed in the Washington State PTSA Council Handbook


Additionally, if elected, the Student Representative contributes to the Executive Board work by providing student insights and by conveying information between relevant student organizations, Council and The School District.

Student Representative

Board of Directors

The SCPTSA Board of Directors consists of the elected Executive Board and other Board Members. Non-elected Board of Directors roles are filled by the President's appointment with approval by the Executive Board.

  • Executive Advisor: provides continuity by supporting the current board with insights and advice based on past experience as needed. This position shall be filled by a past Executive Board member.

  • Race and Equity Chair: Chairs committee, supports local PTA units’ Race and Equity related activities, conveys information between local units, Council and The School District.

  • Family Engagement Chair: Chairs committee, supports local PTA units’ FACE related activities, conveys information between local units, Council and The School District.

  • Communications Chair: Chairs Committee, supports board programs and activities by timely and accurate posting and distribution of information.

  • Reflections Chair: Chairs Committee, disseminates information about and organizes the annual Reflections program with the local PTA units.

  • Membership Chair: Chairs Committee, tracks and shares Council membership numbers, assists local PTAs in membership campaigns, conveys information between local units, Council and The School District.

  • Legislative/Advocacy Chair: Chairs Committee, educates local leaders on advocacy opportunities, maintains regular contact with local legislative/advocacy chairs, conveys information between local units, Council and The School District.

  • Area Director: Supports local PTA leaders within the specified area, conveys information between local units, Council and the School District.

  • Title I Schools Chair: Supports local PTA leaders in Title I schools across the district, conveys information between local units, Council and the School District.

  • High School Liaison Chair: Supports local PTA leaders in high schools across the district, conveys information between local units, Council and the School District.

  • Special Education Liaison Chair: Supports local PTA leaders in issues related to special education across the district, conveys information between local units, Council and the School District.