Grants Program

SCPTSA provides grant funding for leadership development, family engagement, and the arts.

Grant requests must briefly describe how the funds will be used to support student and family experiences. PTA units may receive up to one grant in each category of up to $600 for the school year. PTA units must be associated with the Seattle Council PTSA. 

Art Grants

The Seattle Council of PTSA offers grants up to $600 for supporting student experiences in art, including music, dance, theater, literature, and visual arts. Grant applicants may want to link their program with the PTA Reflections Art Program. Approximately $3,000 per school year is available for art grants.

Family & Community Engagement Grants

The Seattle Council PTSA offers grants of up to $600 for helping PTAs promote family engagement. Approximately $3,000 per school year is available for family engagement grants.

Leadership Grants

The Seattle Council PTSA offers grants of up to $600 for assisting in efforts to develop PTA leaders. This includes current and potential PTA/PTSA officers, appointed board members and committee chairs. Approximately $3000 per school year is available for leadership grants.

Zoom Grant - Coming Soon

City of Seattle Grants

Transportation Grants
Seattle Department of Transportation Mini Grants fund schools, PTAs, and community groups to encourage safe walking and biking to school.

Best Start for Kids Grants
King County Best Starts for Kids Grants fund community organizations, non-profits, schools and school districts, tribes and tribal organizations, and public or governmental agencies to build on the strengths of families and communities so that babies are born healthy, children thrive and establish a strong foundation in life, and young people grow into happy, healthy adults.