Advocacy is the heart of PTA
Since its inception in 1897, PTA has been a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities, and a strong advocate for public education. Washington State PTA began in 1905 and was instrumental in many issues, from creating preschool to promoting seat belts. Today, Seattle Council PTSA and its members continue the work of those that came before us, centering our advocacy around equity so that all kids in SPS can meet their potential.
SCPTSA members bus to Olympia in 2017
Your Voice Matters
Advocacy is central to every local unit’s mission. The role of Seattle Council PTSA is to represent and support PTA’s in the city of Seattle, and that means helping to organize our collective voices to advocate for the well-being of all children.
Every local Seattle PTA plays an important role, and there are many tools available to support you.
“The National Congress of Mothers, irrespective of creed, color or condition, stands for all parenthood, childhood, homehood. Its platform is the universe, its organization is the human race.”
— Alice McLellan Birney, Co-founder of National PTA
We stand on the shoulders of giants! We are honored to carry on the legacy of our founders, champions for the needs and rights of children and families.