
Congratulations to all our artists and the finalists advancing to State!

Dance Choreography
Sabrina Berger "I am no Goddess" Eckstein Middle School, Middle School
Sylive Gitenstein "What Jealousy Can Do" Eckstein Middle School. Middle School

Film Production
Muphy Connors "Enough" John Hay Elementary, Intermediate
James Williams "The Imperfect Pizza" Laurelhurst Elementary, Intermediate
Drew Condit "The Painting" Bryant Elementary School, Primary

El Harker "My Camera Roll" Garfield High School, High School
Kennedy Cahill, "Imperfection" Laurelhurst Elementary, Intermediate

Music Composition
Kavya O'Connor, "Imperfection is the Perfection" Bryant Elementary School, Intermediate
Joshua Young, "The Unresolved World" Eckstein Middle School, Middle School

Julian Beaty, "One and Done" Garfield High School, High School
Abbey Etheridge "POV" Garfield High School, High School
Taylor Noel, "Fractures" Garfield High School, High School
Lev Kokalj "Entering a World of Imperfection" Laurelhurst Elementary, Intermediate

Visual Arts
Linnea Mason, "Cande Light", Hazel Wolf K-8, Middle School
Asher Robertsonmeyer, "Skin and Bones", Eckstein Middle School, Middle School
Virginia Sprague, "No Size Fits All", Whitman Middle School, Middle School
Edie Elton, "The Painted Sky" Kimball Elementary, Intermediate
Oralia Ferndandez, "Untitled (Tree)" Kimball Elementary, Intermediate
Ada Herscher, “Colorful Cat” Whittier Elementary, Intermediate
Nora Johnson, "Flower in Bloom" John Hay Elementary, Intermediate
Naomi Krokower, "Me Playing Basketball" Adams Elementary, Intermediate
Fredrick Neuharth, “Messy”, Adams Elementary, Intermediate
Yashi Shaktawat, "A Spark in an Eaglet's Flight", Bryant Elementary, Intermediate
Naomi Vandever, "Art isn't perfect We just have to except it, oops!", Adams Elementary, Intermediate
Georgi Cahill, “The Windy Road” Laurelhurst Elementary, Primary
Miles Gauksheim, "The Titanic Sinking", Laurelhurst Elementary, Primary
Fjell Swearingen, "Undersea Exploreoshin", Whittier Elementary, Primary
Wesley Schroeder, “Trash Boat” Bryant Elementary, Primary
Sahana Vijesh “An Almost Perfect World!” Hazel Wolf K-8, Primary

Honorable Mentions

Dance / Choreography
Katrina Winter “Good and Bad” Magnolia Elementary School


Rae Brumbaugh “Embracing” Eckstein Middle School
Ian Darby “Come as Your Are” Eckstein Middle School
Aiden Jeong “Bob's Adventure” John Hay Elementary
James McConaghy “Robot Drops a Plate” Magnolia Elementary
Pearl Passmore “The Lazy Days” Hazel Wolf K-8
Andrew Winter “Imperfect Cooking” Magnolia Elementary


Rae Brumbaugh “Embracing” Eckstein Middle School
Lily Fei “Doll” Eckstein Middle School
Meonie Hayman “In a Beautiful Way” Bryant Elementary
Graham Larson “Beautiful Oops” Whittier Elementary
Samara Marks “Remember” Magnolia Elementary
Autumn McKimpson “Intergalactic” Whittier Elementary
Yuli M. Small “Imperfecto in F Major” John Hay Elementary
Anahita Toloueitabar “Palm Trees” Laurelhurst Elementary


Ada Baltacigil “green, pink, nibbled” Magnolia Elementary
La’Niyah Corbett “Aquafina” Garfield High School
Olivia Kan “Harmony in Healing” Garfield High School
Liam Kim “Imperfection and Imagination” Bryant Elementary
Isla Kuo “The Leaves Fall Soft” Whitman Middle School
Ritchie Ngo “Blueberriers” Garfield High School

Syvie Derr “Nobobdy’s Perfect” Hazel Wolf K-8
Trillian Haulley “Where Are You From?” Garfield High School
Oliver McComb “We as a People” Magnolia Elementary
Chechen Song “Withering Rose in Four Parts” Garfield High School

Honorable Mentions Visual Arts

Caroline “Untitled” Lafayette Elementary
Ethiopia Abebe “Lots of Different Things” Kimball Elementary
Remi Adams “The Fruit In The Bowl” Lafayette Elementary
Taylor Allred “Accepting Imperfections” John Hay Elementary
Donovan Alleen-Willems “Imperfect Gifts” Sanislo Elementary
Asher Beltran “I love Football” Laurelhurst Elementary
Sofie Berkley “Fabulous Faces” Laurelhurst Elementary
Ella Bhak ‘The Perfect New Day” Bryant Elementary
Julia Blakenship “Accept Who You Truly Are” Magnolia Elementary
Alexander Bond “Sickle Fee” Sanislo Elementary
Evie Bond “The Girl Who Spilled Her Paint” Sanislo Elementary
Nalani Carillo “Untitled” Sanislo Elementary
Anh Chung “N/A” Sanislo Elementary
Brady Deese “Take 2” Whittier Elementary
Zubeyde Diop “Calmness Blue” Kimball Elementary
Sidney Dolin “Autumn Birch Trees” Hazel Wolf K-8
Melody Dorfman “Untitled” Kimball Elementary
Alma Duman “I guess I can make it a PIG” Adams Elementary
Eliana Dunleavy “The Stars and Sky” Kimball Elementary
Dylan Eakes “Music Is Perfectly Imperfik” Lafayette Elementary
Patrick Einkauf “Nature” Laurelhurst Elementary
Grace Ensminger “Light” Hazel Wolf K-8
Berkeley Hanna “Accepting Imperfection” Lafayette Elementaryy
Sophia Hartnett “Intersecting Circles” Whittier Elementaryy
Josie Hereth “Accepting Imperfection” Lafayette Elementaryy
Mona Howe “The Seasons Tree” Kimball Elementaryy
Liam Freeman-Huff “The Roses World of Imperfection” Sanislo Elementary
Madeline Hurley “Flying House” Magnolia Elementary
Emma Gardner “Oops!” Adams Elementary
Wes Graves-Quigg “Self Portrait” Adams Elementary
Max Hanson “Charmander” Coe Elementary
Lydia Hillas “Untitled” Adams Elementary
Cash Johnson “Sunset Over the Ocean” John Hay Elementary
Jade Jonas “Perfection and Pessimism” Hazel Wolf K-8
Margot Jones “A Man and the Hamsters” Bryant Elementary
Fiori Kidane “Not Reading Perfectly” Sanislo Elementary
Ellis Kruse “Orca Mistake” Laurelhurst Elementary
Lukas Kuolas “Ice Cream Mistake” Adams Elementary
Henry Kusowski “3 Suns, 10 Hills, 1 Dog” Lafayette Elementary
Brinley Lambert “The World is Imperfect and So am I” Adams Elementary
Robin Leon “The Mistake” Lafayette Elementary
Keira Malone “Lemonade Stand” Lafayette Elementary
Maddox Marsden “If You Break Your Arm You can Still Play Kickball” Coe Elementary
Alexander Mauritzen-Branch “Twisted Palm” Hazel Wolf K-8
Francis Meredith “Sunset - "Accepting Imperfections" Lafayette Elementary
Ripley Milles “Accepting Imperfections” Sanislo Elementary
Emily Mollicone “I can play too!” Lafayette Elementary
Will Morse “Ripples” Kimball Elementary
Matilda Jones Obleada “M” Hazel Wolf K-8
Mylen Obleada “Dreams” Hazel Wolf K-8
Lia Oren “Stains” Adams Elementary
Eva Post “Untitled” Sanislo Elementary
Evan Reschenthaler “The Weird Dragon” Magnolia Elementary
Niko Robertson “The Cliff” Whittier Elementary
Iris Salisbury “Broken” Eckstein Middle School
Samantha Sharib “The Four Legged Spider” Laurelhurst Elementary
Quinn Sheffer “Sunshine Castle” Kimball Elementary
Havilah Shutsha “My Beautiful Art” Sanislo Elementary
Esther Stephens “Imperfections are Everywhere in the Air” Laurelhurst Elementary
Iris Straughn “Dirty Dog” Hazel Wolf K-8
Seraphia Suh “Nothing is Perfect and That's Okay” Adams Elementary
Kaylee Tachinck “The Mistake” Sanislo Elementary
Quinn Vandersmith “Falling Rainbow” Bryant Elementary
Letizia Warner “Imperfections of the sea” Lafayette Elementary
Dylan Watters “The Shiny Night” Sanislo Elementary
Oliver Wax “The Koi Pond” Bryant Elementary
Miles Webner “Turkeys” Bryant Elementary
Katrina Winter “Not Quite Perfect” Magnolia Elementary
Lily Wolin “Accepting Imperfections” Lafayette Elementary
Naomi Wong “Pretty Mask” Kimball Elementary
Jolie Zhou “A Girl Staring into the Mirror” Bryant Elementary

Many thanks to our volunteer judges for donating their time and talent!


* Rex Allen, Musician
* royal alley-barnes, MAT, is a Director Emerita in the visual arts and arts innovation. 
* Jim Coley, Photographer 
* Tricia Coley, Labor Advocate  
* Christina Ellis, Theater at Jane Adams & SCPTSA  
* Jacke Flaherty, Kindergarten Teacher 
* Mariam Meza de Giorello, Architect & SCPTSA 
* Ha-Yang Kim, Cornish Faculty of Cello and Composition 
* Zia Mohajerjasbi, Director of Know Your Place 
* Jessica Mooney, writer and esaayist 
* Erin Soldezzo, Axis and Theater Graduate 
* Futsum Tsegai, Filmmaker and Cinematographer