Hybrid Meetings & Interpretation Services
Host a Successful Hybrid Meeting or Event
National PTA has created two training videos for How to Host a Successful Hybrid Meeting or Event — Part 1: Technology and Part 2: Facilitation. An extensive handout was also created to accompany these videos.
Using these National PTA resources as our framework, SCPTSA has created a condensed document for PTA’s to test out and we welcome feedback and input from the community as we experiment with new technology and facilitation in an attempt to make our meetings more accessible and inclusive for our community.
Hybrid meetings have removed barriers for participants in our community whom previously were not attend. Technology and skillful facilitation together are key to sucessful hybrid meetings and bring more voices into our conversations.
Please reach out to Communications Co-chair, June Nho Ivers for questions / feedback or feel free to write comments directly in our google document.
Set-up Interpretation Services on Zoom
Determine which languages you’ll need interpretation services for.
Secure/Schedule interpreters. You will need their email addresses.
Share the Zoom meeting link with interpreters.
Log onto Zoom.com and sign into your account. Select “Meetings” in the left corner of your screen and find/select your specific meeting from the list and select the “Edit” button. (see below)
5. At the bottom of the page, fill in the email addresses of the interpreters that you will have present at the meeting and select the languages. (See below—example: English -> <- Somali)
6. Save when finished.
On the Day of the Meeting
Click on the 4th icon from the right “Interpretation”
Start the Zoom meeting and select interpretation at the bottom of the screen.
The interpreters that you entered should be here, but you can update as needed or add more.
When all of your interpreters are present in the meeting – press start.
SCPTSA has made Powerpoint and Google Slides as well as audio files that are helpful for playing during the meeting to help attendees get into the correct interpretation room.