Leadership Grants
Rolling deadline; applications will be considered as they are submitted
Pease allow at least 2 weeks for approval
The Seattle Council of PTSA offers grants of up to $600 to assist in efforts to develop
PTA/PTSA leaders. This includes current and potential PTA/PTSA officers, appointed
board members, and committee chairs. Approximately $2000 is available for leadership
Grant requests must briefly describe how the funds will be used to develop PTA/PTSA
leadership, for example, to cover fees associated with training events.
PTA/PTSA units may apply more than once but may only receive one grant of up to $600
in a calendar year.
PTA/PTSA units must be associated with the Seattle Council PTSA.
Applications must be signed by your PTA/PTSA president.
Grants requests will be reviewed and awarded by SCPTSA using the following guidelines:
The extent which funds to will support the development of PTA/PTSA leaders.
How well the grant supports your unit’s goals and will help sustain ongoing leadership?
Priority consideration will be given to:
New and emerging PTAs: Started less than 5 years ago; or have less than
50 members; or work in communities not traditionally involved with PTA; or are PTAs impacted by school closures?
ELL and FRL: PTAs working with significant numbers of families whose students are bilingual and/or participating in the Free and Reduced Lunch program.
The goal of the program is to support local PTA efforts to develop active and effective leaders who will advocate for children in their community and help direct PTA/PTSA programs.
Here are some suggested training events and expenses that would qualify:
Local Unit Board/Membership Retreat/Meeting, to discuss how to get parents involved in their school or goal setting for current, new or potential PTA board members.
Cluster-wide sharing or round table to help with ideas or a goal-setting or training event.
WA State PTA Region 6 PTA and the Law
WA State PTA Region 6 leadership training: Washington State PTA
Legislative Assembly
Washington State PTA Convention
Expenses: Food, interpreters, child-care, speaker fee, copy, training material, travel expenses.
SCPTSA Leadership Application