🚨 ACTION ALERT 🚨 Sign in PRO on these bills now


To sign on, click the bill links below, click on "testify" and then click on "I would like my position noted for the legislative record."

SB 5123 – Expanding protections for certain students to promote inclusivity in public schools.

➜ Support (PRO) with written testimony by Tuesday, Mar 17 β€’ 1:30 pm

SCPTSA says: As student civil rights are under attack at the Federal level, definitions and protections at the state level become even more important.

SB 5177 – Considering the experiences of historically marginalized and underrepresented groups when identifying professional development resources on certain topics.

➜ Sign in PRO by Tuesday, Mar 18 β€’ 3 pm

SCPTSA says: Making sure teachers have access to the resources they need to support all students is critical to being able to create a sense of belonging for all students in school. Support this bill to support our teachers so they can in turn support all students.  

SB 5192 – Concerning school district materials, supplies, and operating costs.

➜ Sign in PRO by Wednesday, Mar 19 β€’ 3 pm

SCPTSA says: This is "keep the lights on" money. PTAs are often asked to pay for basic costs of keeping a school running, such as paper. In 2023-24 alone, the in Seattle Public Schools the gap between our district's utilities and insurance expenditures and state revenue was $6,339,080.  This bill will help, but it won't fully close the gap. We'll take the boost, but ask our legislators to keep in mind that insurance costs increase at the rate of wildfires, not just IPD.

SB 5263 – Concerning special education funding.

➜ Sign in PRO by Wednesday, Mar 19 β€’ 3 pm

SCPTSA says: Special education is how students with IEPs access basic education. It is not acceptable that our state denies funding for basic education for some students solely because those students are disabled. Our district is obligated, legally, morally, and ethically, to provide access to education for these students, whether or not our state chooses to fund. Last year alone, our state came up short for Seattle Public Schools Students by $74 million.

SB 5253 – Extending special education services to students with disabilities until the end of the school year in which the student turns 22.

➜ Sign in PRO by Thursday, Mar 20 β€’ 7 am

SCPTSA Says: Under current law, school districts cease serving a student as soon as the student turns 22. This law would allow qualifying students to complete the school year in the year that they turn 22.

HB 1296 – Promoting a safe and supportive public education system.

➜ Sign in PRO by Thursday, Mar 20 β€’ 9:30 am

SCPTSA Says: This bill helps to clarify and align language to make sure that the rights of students are honored. We are proud to support this bill and to support the legislators who stayed up late on the last night of policy cutoff to protect our students. The discussions weren’t easy, and we appreciate those who stand up for all of our students. LGBTQ+ students and families, we continue to fight for your rights and support you.

Lavender Rights Says: This bill amends I-2081 and strengthens student privacy rights, bolsters protections for transgender and gender-expansive students, guarantees access to inclusive curricula, and shields educators supporting student rights from retaliation. It also expands enrollment access for all families, regardless of immigration status or housing, and strengthens school accountability for safety and equity policies. Supporting this bill is crucial for creating safe, affirming, and equitable learning environments for all Washington students.