Education advocates—It’s time to rally! ➜ Please sign in PRO on these four "BIG 3" bills.


Education advocates—It’s time to rally!

Please sign in PRO for the legislative record on these four bills.
Washington state is NOT fully funding the cost of basic education, forcing districts across our state to go into “binding conditions,” close schools, lay-off staff, and make cuts to essential services. There is overwhelming consensus across our state that lack of fully funding the “BIG 3”—transportation; materials, supplies, & operating costs (MSOC); and special education—is the reason for our education funding gap!

SB 5187 – Providing adequate and predictable student transportation.
Sponsor: Wellman

SB 5192 – Concerning school district materials, supplies, and operating costs.
Sponsor: Nobles

SB 5263 – Concerning special education funding.
Sponsor: Pedersen

SB 5307 – Concerning special education funding.
Sponsor: Wellman
By Request: Superintendent of Public Instruction