D7 Equity In Reopening Schools Collective Mission Statement
The District 7 Equity in Reopening collective was formed to enable the voices and spirit of each school represented in D7 to be reflected in our board directors actions.
To use our collective voices to advocate for the well-being and access to quality educational experiences for all students in District 7.
To create a seamless partnership between community members, Parent Teacher Organizations, and our School Board Director to elevate the needs and perspectives of District 7 students and families, both locally and at the state level.
To dismantle the white supremacist beliefs and systems that have harmed students of color in district 7 and create new, equitable systems of family engagement that honor, value, and elevate the diverse perspectives and experiences of our families. Create systems where power is shared by all stakeholders, especially those historically marginalized and underserved by our school system.
As a District 7 collective, we seek to come together for the benefit of ALL of our southeast Seattle students and families to ensure equity in remote learning and reopening. Committed to amplifying BIPOC voices, we share our resources, ideas, and experiences as we advocate on behalf of our greater community.
D7 PTA Contact Information
Looking for a direct way to support families during this time of need? Many of our South End PTAs are working with families to provide immediate funding for rent, utilities, food and necessities. A list of PTAs, websites and contact information is below. Please email sedirector@scptsa.org with any additional questions.
Aki Kurose PTSA www.akikuroseptsa.Wordpress.com Maria Jacob: akiptsaboard@googlegroups.com
Beacon Hill Int'l School PTA https://beaconhillpta.org Callista Chen: president@beaconhillpta.org
Cleveland High School Eagles PTSA https://clevelandptsa.org chseaglesptsa@gmail.com
Dearborn Park International PTA https://dearbornes.seattleschools.org/school_involvement/p__t__a_ Maki Park: maki.park@gmail.com
Dunlap PTSA https://dunlapes.seattleschools.org/school_involvement/p_t_s_a Matt Burtness: mpburtness@seattleschools.org
Emerson PTA https://emerson-seattle-pta.square.site emersonseattlepta@gmail.com
Franklin High PTA https://franklinhs.seattleschools.org/school_involvement/ptsa Amy Zern: alzern@msn.com
Friends of Hawthorne PTA https://www.friendsofhawthorne.org Jessica Emerson: jessica.emerson@gmail.com
Graham Hill PTA https://grahamhilles.seattleschools.org/school_involvement/fundraising Arlene Williams: grahamhillvolunteer@gmail.com
John Muir PTA https://www.themuirpta.org Lul Ali: info@themuirpta.org
Kimball PTSA https://kimballes.seattleschools.org/school_involvement/p_t_s_a/p_t_s_a_info Alaron Lewis: alaron.lewis@gmail.com
Maple PTSA https://www.mapleptsa.com Sarah Igawa: mapleptsa@gmail.com
Mercer Middle PTSA https://www.mercerptsa.org/donate Dieu Nguyen: mercer_ptsa@outlook.com
MLK Dreamkeepers PTA http://mlkdreamkeepers.org Dominque Pavageau: dominique.pavageau@gmail.com
Orca K-8 PTSA https://orcaptsa.wordpress.com Rebecca Guglielmo: beckygug@gmail.com
Rainier Beach High PTSA https://rainierbeachhs.seattleschools.org/school_involvement/ptsa Claudia Villalobos: claudiavdesigns7@gmail.com
Rainier View PTSA https://rainierviewseattleptsa.wordpress.com/blog/ PayPal link: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=8EM6TP5AK5YQA&fbclid=IwAR1vJvYhoCqTlRGrICpRTjYoAaqP6yHp-FxmzkEKytmf8wafNi4hWFVrdwI Sarena Li: sarena_li@comcast.net
Rising Star Elementary PTA https://www.risingstarpta.org Katharine Strange: risingstarelementarypta@gmail.com
South Shore PTSA https://www.southshoreptsa.org Hodan Mohamed: hodanfarah.prouddd3@gmail.com // Jon Morrison Winters: southshoreptsa@gmail.com
Wing Luke PTO (Website TBD) Meghan Bedell: m.bedell@hotmail.com
D7 School Board Director Brandon Hersey https://www.seattleschools.org/district/school_board/meet_the_board/district_seven brandon.hersey@seattleschools.org