District 7 Meeting Archive for Community

If you need a translated transcript or need to access in your home language, please contact us.

05/05/22 Meeting

District 37 Legislative Meeting

Legislators: Senator Rebecca Saldaña, Representative Kirsten Harris-Talley, and Representative Sharon Tomiko Santos.

If you would like more information on the Legislative session, this is a great recap of bills related to education that passed and those that didn't:


I will be in touch as we get closer with a Zoom link and agenda. As always, please reach out with any questions.

In community,

Katie Berman

Parent and Friends of Hawthorne Elementary Advocacy Representative



04/28/22 Meeting

District 7 Townhall with Brandon Hersey

Click here for the Zoom Meeting

04/28/22 Meeting

District 7 Townhall with Brandon Hersey

12/15/21 Meeting

family engagement

Hello D7 Community Leaders!
Here is an agenda for Wednesday evening. We have invited Sydney Holman, SPS Family Partnerships Manger, to join us. Interpretation will be provided in Somali, Spanish and Cantonese. Please invite your school’s community members to join us. Zoom link is below.


6:15p-6:30p Welcome people into the call, and get everyone in the right language channel. *English speakers need to choose English

6:30p-6:35p Welcome from co-leaders of the meeting: Ayan Elmi and O’Hara Jiménez

6:35-7p Director Hersey will not be joining us, but has asked that we share out the SPS legislative agenda: what it is that SPS is asking for, and how this aligns with SCPTSA’s legislative work. Also, an answer to Katie Berman’s request for an update about pool testing.

7:00p-8:00p Community Engagement Share-out, Idea Generator and Dialogue Continuation with our SPS Equity, Partnerships and Engagement Department

  • What does “family engagement/partnership” mean to you?

  • Sydney Holman: What “family engagement/partnership” means from the district perspective.

  • Where are there similarities? Where are there disconnects?

8:00p-8:15p D7 leaders continue dialogue with each other

 Salaan Hogaamiyaasha Bulshada D7!

Waa kan ajandaha fiidnimada Arbacada. Waxaan ku casuunnay Sydney Holman, SPS Manger Partnerships Family inuu nagu soo biiro. Tarjumaadda waxaa lagu bixin doonaa Soomaali, Isbaanish iyo Cantonese. Fadlan ku casuun xubnaha bulshada dugsigaaga inay nagu soo biiraan. Isku xirka soo dhaweyntu waa hoos.


6:15p-6:30p Dadka ku soo dhawoow wacitaanka, oo qof walba hel kanaalka luqadda saxda ah. * Dadka ku hadla Ingiriisiga waxay u baahan yihiin inay doortaan Ingiriisiga

6:30p-6:35p Ku soo dhawaada hogaamiyayaasha shirka: Ayan Elmi iyo O’Hara Jiménez

6:35-7p Agaasime Hersey naguma soo biiri doono, laakiin wuxuu codsaday inaan wadaagno ajendaha sharci dejinta ee SPS: waxa ay SPS codsanayso, iyo sida tani ula jaanqaado shaqada sharci-dejinta ee SCPTSA. Sidoo kale, jawaabta codsiga Katie Berman ee ku saabsan cusboonaysiinta tijaabada barkadda.

7:00p-8:00p Wadaagista Ka-qaybgalka Bulshada, Soo-saare Fikirka iyo Wada-hadalka Sii wadida Sinnaanta, Iskaashiga iyo Waaxda Ka-qaybgalka ee SPS

Waa maxay macnaha "ku-qaybgalka qoyska/wadaagga" adiga?

• Sydney Holman: Waa maxay "ka-qaybgalka qoyska/wada-shaqeynta" macnaheedu waa marka laga eego dhinaca degmada.

Halkee ka jiraan kuwa isaga eg? Aaway kala-goysyo?

8:00p-8:15p Hogaamiyayaasha D7 waxay sii wadaan wada hadalka midba midka kale



¡Hola, líderes comunitarios de D7!

 Aquí hay una agenda para el miércoles por la noche. Hemos invitado a Sydney Holman, gerente de asociaciones familiares de SPS, a unirse a nosotros. Se proporcionará interpretación en somalí, español y cantonés. Invite a los miembros de la comunidad de su escuela a unirse a nosotros. El enlace de zoom está debajo.


6: 15p-6: 30p Dé la bienvenida a las personas a la llamada y haga que todos utilicen el canal de idioma correcto. * Los angloparlantes deben elegir inglés

6: 30p-6: 35p Bienvenida de los co-líderes de la reunión: Ayan Elmi y O’Hara Jiménez

6: 35-7p El director Hersey no se unirá a nosotros, pero ha pedido que compartamos la agenda legislativa de SPS: qué es lo que SPS está pidiendo y cómo esto se alinea con el trabajo legislativo de SCPTSA. Además, una respuesta a la solicitud de Katie Berman de una actualización sobre las pruebas de piscina.

7: 00p-8: 00p Participación comunitaria Participación, generador de ideas y continuación del diálogo con nuestro Departamento de Equidad, Asociaciones y Participación de SPS

• ¿Qué significa para usted “participación / asociación familiar”?

• Sydney Holman: Qué significa “participación / asociación familiar” desde la perspectiva del distrito.

• ¿Dónde hay similitudes? ¿Dónde hay desconexiones?

8: 00p-8: 15p Los líderes del D7 continúan dialogando entre ellos


你好 D7 社区领袖! 

这是周三晚上的议程。我们已邀请 SPS 家庭伙伴关系经理悉尼·霍尔曼 (Sydney Holman) 加入我们。将以索马里语、西班牙语和粤语提供口译。请邀请您学校的社区成员加入我们。缩放链接如下。



6:15p-6:30p 欢迎人们加入电话,让每个人都进入正确的语言频道。 *说英语的人需要选择英语

6:30p-6:35p 来自会议联合领导人的欢迎:Ayan Elmi 和 O'Hara Jiménez

6:35-7p Hersey 主任不会加入我们,但要求我们分享 SPS 立法议程:SPS 要求的是什么,以及这如何与 SCPTSA 的立法工作保持一致。此外,对凯蒂·伯曼 (Katie Berman) 提出的泳池测试更新请求的回答。

7:00p-8:00p 社区参与分享、创意产生和对话继续与我们的 SPS 股权、合作伙伴和参与部门

• “家庭参与/伙伴关系”对您意味着什么?

• Sydney Holman:从地区的角度来看,“家庭参与/伙伴关系”是什么意思。

• 哪里有相似之处?哪里有断线?

8:00p-8:15p D7领导人继续相互对话



D7 Director SCPTSA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: D7 Zoom Meeting

Time: Dec 15, 2021 06:15 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 993 1386 7265

Passcode: 885863

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Meeting ID: 993 1386 7265

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/abv99ZFMQm

11/20/21 Meeting

D7 equity in reopening

We had a great meeting last night. We were able to discuss with Director Hersey the school closure on Friday, and started a conversation about discipline. A link to the recording is below. As a group, we also discussed how to move our D7 meetings forward, including offering ideas of how to make our meetings more accessible, and how to help our PTAs bring this work into our communities. Ayan and I will send a doddle poll soon to ask what day/time is best for our next meeting. I captured some of the ideas that were voiced in our chat, and they include:


What about the D7 Equity In Reopening Meetings has been important to your communities? How can you model this work in your school community? Share your what has worked in your communities: What are some ways your PTA has actively included your diverse community? What supports do you need to help your PTA become more inclusive and responsive to your community?

  • Leveraging relationships with other PTAs

  • Direct access to Director Hersey for help

  • Direct communication with Brandon

  • Fielding ideas about how other communities are doing things- what is working and what isn't

  • Connection with SPS officials and working with them directly

  • Source of information and a touchpoint to know more about our communities

  • How can we encourage more families to be comfortable to join?

  • Maybe this hour is harder? Too late?

  • It is good it is recorded.

  • Help PTA leaders to be more inclusive, interpretation and translation, embracing other families and actively seeking more diverse voices

  • SCPTSA Membership is 70% white

  • Demographics in D7 are about 20% per racial group

  • Time is an important part of the conversation

  • Lowell PTA pays for childcare (not in the building, but a babysitter) and an uber or Lyft to get there.

  • Understand the barriers

  • Welcome people. Authentically. Become connected to other families more organically.

  • Meet our families where they are.

  • Open up space for our diverse groups of families to be a part of the decision making.

  • Know the demographics of your school.

  • Zoom meetings have helped with participation, but some parents don’t know how to use zoom.

  • Community building has become harder during the pandemic.

  • How do we teach them to use Zoom and to support their students with laptops?

  • Can we use Talking Points? Maybe it could even be an “opt-in” button “Do you want to receive information from your school’s PTA?”

  • Do we change the meeting schedule to span days and times? Instead of every 2nd Tuesday, how about one month it is a Sunday afternoon? And the next month it is a Friday evening?

  • PTAs can provide community building space: Apple Cider at pick up

  • Dunlap Family Tea events- low pressure. No expectations. Just a space to come together.

  • Different CBOs would be there to answer questions and disseminate information

  • Dunlap prioritized interpretation for every single meeting- possible because of funding from the levy.

  • A space to not feel alone in the issues we are having.

  • There is specific power in collective family voice.

  • All D7 schools need to learn from each other.



Hola líderes de D7 PTA,


Tuvimos una gran reunión anoche. Pudimos discutir con el Director Hersey el cierre de la escuela el viernes y comenzamos una conversación sobre disciplina. Un enlace a la grabación está debajo. Como grupo, también discutimos cómo hacer avanzar nuestras reuniones del D7, lo que incluye ofrecer ideas sobre cómo hacer que nuestras reuniones sean más accesibles y cómo ayudar a nuestras PTA a llevar este trabajo a nuestras comunidades. Ayan y yo pronto enviaremos una pequeña encuesta para preguntar qué día / hora es mejor para nuestra próxima reunión. Capturé algunas de las ideas que se expresaron en nuestro chat, e incluyen:


¿Qué pasa con las reuniones de equidad en la reapertura del D7 que han sido importantes para sus comunidades? ¿Cómo puede modelar este trabajo en su comunidad escolar? Comparta lo que ha funcionado en sus comunidades: ¿Cuáles son algunas de las formas en que su PTA ha incluido activamente a su diversa comunidad? ¿Qué apoyos necesita para ayudar a su PTA a ser más inclusiva y receptiva a su comunidad?

• Aprovechar las relaciones con otras PTA

• Acceso directo al Director Hersey para obtener ayuda

• Comunicación directa con Brandon

• Presentar ideas sobre cómo están haciendo las cosas otras comunidades: qué está funcionando y qué no

• Conexión con funcionarios de SPS y trabajo con ellos directamente

• Fuente de información y un punto de contacto para conocer más sobre nuestras comunidades

• ¿Cómo podemos animar a más familias a que se sientan cómodas para unirse?

• ¿Quizás esta hora es más dura? ¿Demasiado tarde?

• Es bueno que se grabe.

• Ayude a los líderes de la PTA a ser más inclusivos, interpretando y traduciendo, abrazando a otras familias y buscando activamente voces más diversas.

• La membresía de SCPTSA es 70% blanca

• Los datos demográficos en D7 son aproximadamente un 20% por grupo racial

• El tiempo es una parte importante de la conversación.

• Lowell PTA paga el cuidado de los niños (no en el edificio, sino una niñera) y un uber o Lyft para llegar allí.

• Comprender las barreras

• Dar la bienvenida a la gente. Auténticamente. Conéctese con otras familias de manera más orgánica.

• Conozca a nuestras familias donde estén.

• Abrir espacio para que nuestros diversos grupos de familias sean parte de la toma de decisiones.

• Conozca la demografía de su escuela.

• Las reuniones de Zoom han ayudado con la participación, pero algunos padres no saben cómo usar el zoom.

• La construcción de comunidades se ha vuelto más difícil durante la pandemia.

• ¿Cómo les enseñamos a usar Zoom ya ayudar a sus alumnos con las computadoras portátiles?

• ¿Podemos utilizar los puntos de conversación? Tal vez incluso podría ser un botón de "suscripción voluntaria" "¿Desea recibir información de la PTA de su escuela?"

• ¿Cambiamos el horario de la reunión para abarcar días y horas? En lugar de cada segundo martes, ¿qué tal si un mes es domingo por la tarde? ¿Y el próximo mes es viernes por la noche?

• Las PTA pueden proporcionar un espacio para la construcción de la comunidad: Apple Cider en la recogida

• Eventos de Dunlap Family Tea: baja presión. Sin expectativas. Solo un espacio para unirnos.

• Diferentes CBO estarían allí para responder preguntas y difundir información.

• Mantenga las reuniones abiertas y flexibles, ¿tal vez una encuesta para ver cuál es el mejor momento y día para las reuniones para la mayoría? A menudo hacemos esto para las reuniones del comité en nuestra PTSA y continuamos grabando reuniones para aquellos que no pueden asistir.

• Dunlap dio prioridad a la interpretación para cada reunión, posible gracias a la financiación de la tasa.

• Un espacio para no sentirnos solos en los problemas que estamos teniendo.

• Existe un poder específico en la voz colectiva de la familia.

• Todas las escuelas del D7 deben aprender unas de otras.


Salaan madaxda D7 PTA,


Kulan aad u wanaagsan ayaanu xalay yeelanay. Waxaan awoodnay inaan kala hadalno Agaasime Hersey xiritaanka dugsiga jimcihii, waxaana bilownay wadahadal ku saabsan anshaxa. Xiriirinta duubista ayaa hoos ku taal. Koox ahaan, waxaan sidoo kale ka wada hadalnay sidii aan horay ugu sii wadi lahayn shirarkeena D7, oo ay ku jirto inaan bixino fikrado ku saabsan sidii aan kulamadeena uga dhigi lahayn kuwo la heli karo, iyo sidii aan uga caawin lahayn PTA-yada in ay shaqadan soo geliyaan bulshooyinkeena. Aniga iyo Ayan waxaan soo diri doonaa dhawaan codbixin doddle si aan u waydiino maalinta/wakhtiga ugu fiican kulankeena xiga. Waxa aan qabsaday qaar ka mid ah fikradaha lagu sheegay sheekadeena, waxaana ka mid ah:


Ka warran Sinaanta D7 ee Shirarka dib u furista ayaa muhiim u ahaa bulshooyinkaaga? Sideed ugu qaabayn kartaa shaqadan bulshada dugsigaaga? La wadaag waxa ka shaqeeyay bulshooyinkaaga: Maxay yihiin qaar ka mid ah siyaabaha PTA-gaagu ay si firfircoon ugu dartay bulshadaada kala duwan? Taageero noocee ah ayaad u baahan tahay si aad PTA-gaga uga caawiso in ay noqoto mid loo dhan yahay oo u dhego nugul bulshadaada?

Ka faa'iidaysiga cilaaqaadka PTA-yada kale

• Helitaanka tooska ah ee Agaasime Hersey si uu u caawiyo

• Xiriir toos ah oo lala yeesho Brandon

• Soo saarista fikrado ku saabsan sida bulshooyinka kale ay wax u sameynayaan - waxa shaqeynaya iyo waxa aan ahayn

• Xidhiidhka saraakiisha SPS iyo la shaqaynta tooska ah

• Isha macluumaadka iyo barta la taaban karo si aan wax badan uga ogaano bulshooyinkayada

Sideen ugu dhiirigelin karnaa qoysas badan inay ku raaxaystaan ​​inay ku biiraan?

Ma laga yaabaa in saacaddani ay adag tahay? Aad u daahday?

Way fiicantahay in la duubo.

Ka caawi hogaamiyayaasha PTA inay noqdaan kuwo loo dhan yahay, tarjumaad iyo turjumaad, isku duubnida qoysaska kale oo si firfircoon u raadiya codad badan oo kala duwan

Xubinimada SCPTSA waa 70% cad

• Tirakoobka dadka D7 waa ilaa 20% koox kasta oo jinsiyadeed

Waqtigu waa qayb muhiim ah oo ka mid ah wada hadalka

• Lowell PTA waxay bixisaa kharashka daryeelka ilmaha (maaha dhismaha, laakiin ilmo-xannaaneeyaha) iyo uber ama Lyft si aad halkaas u tagto.

• Faham caqabadaha

Dadka soo dhaweeya. Dhab ahaantii. Si dabiici ah ugu xidhnow qoysaska kale.

• La kulan qoysaskeena halka ay joogaan.

• Meel bannaan u fur kooxahayada kala duwan ee qoysaska si ay qayb uga noqdaan go'aan gaarista.

• Ogow xogta tirakoobka dugsigaaga.

• Kulamada soo-dhoweynta ayaa ka caawiyay ka-qaybgalka, laakiin waalidiinta qaarkood ma yaqaaniin sida loo isticmaalo zoom.

• Dhisidda bulshadu aad bay u sii adkaatay inta lagu jiro aafo.

Sideen u barnaa inay isticmaalaan Zoom-ka iyo inay ardaydooda ku taageeraan laptops?

Ma isticmaali karnaa Qodobbada Hadalka? Waxaa laga yaabaa inay xitaa noqoto badhanka "doorbida-gelinta" "Ma rabtaa inaad macluumaad ka hesho PTA ee dugsigaaga?"

• Miyaynu jadwalka kulanka u beddelnaa maalmo iyo waqtiyo? Halkii Talaadadii 2aad ee kasta, ka waran hal bil ay tahay galab Axad? Bisha soo socotana waa galab Jimce ah?

• PTA-yadu waxay ku siin karaan meel dhisme bulsho: Apple cider marka la soo qaado

• Dhacdooyinka shaaha qoyska Dunlap- cadaadis hooseeya. Wax laga filayo. Kaliya meel bannaan oo la isugu yimaado.

• CBOs kala duwan ayaa u joogi doona inay ka jawaabaan su'aalaha oo ay faafiyaan macluumaadka

• Kulamada ha furnaadaan oo ha noqdaan kuwo dabacsan -- laga yaabee ra'yi ururin lagu ogaanayo goorta iyo maalinta ugu fiican ee shirarka badidoodu? Waxaan inta badan tan u samaynaa shirarka guddiyada ee PTSA-- oo aan sii wadno duubista shirarka kuwa aan iman karin.

• Dunlap waxa uu mudnaan siiyay tarjumaada kulan kasta oo suurtagal ah sababtoo ah maalgelinta canshuurta.

Meel bannaan oo aanad kali ku dareemin arrimaha aan haysano.

• Waxaa jira awood gaar ah oo ku jirta codka qoyska wadajirka ah.

Dhammaan dugsiyada D7 waxay u baahan yihiin inay is bartaan.


你好 D7 PTA 领导,


昨晚我们举行了一次很棒的会议。我们能够与 Hersey 主任讨论周五学校关闭的问题,并开始了关于纪律的对话。录音链接如下。作为一个小组,我们还讨论了如何推进 D7 会议,包括提供有关如何使我们的会议更容易参与的想法,以及如何帮助我们的 PTA 将这项工作带入我们的社区。 Ayan 和我将很快发送一个简单的民意调查,询问我们下一次会议的最佳日期/时间。我捕捉到了我们聊天中表达的一些想法,其中包括:


D7 Equity In Reopening Meetings 对您的社区有何重要意义?你如何在你的学校社区中模拟这项工作?分享您在社区中发挥的作用:您的 PTA 通过哪些方式积极地融入了您的多元化社区?您需要哪些支持来帮助您的 PTA 变得更具包容性和对您社区的响应?

• 利用与其他 PTA 的关系

• 直接联系 Hersey 主管寻求帮助

• 与布兰登直接沟通

• 提出有关其他社区如何做事的想法 - 什么有效,什么无效

• 与 SPS 官员联系并直接与他们合作

• 信息来源和接触点,可让您更多地了解我们的社区

• 我们如何鼓励更多的家庭乐于加入?

• 也许这个小时更难?为时已晚?

• 很好,记录下来了。

• 帮助PTA 领袖更包容,口译和笔译,拥抱其他家庭,积极寻求更多元化的声音

• SCPTSA 会员是 70% 的白人

• D7 中每个种族群体的人口统计数据约为 20%

• 时间是谈话的重要组成部分

• Lowell PTA 支付托儿费(不是在大楼里,而是在保姆里)和一辆优步或 Lyft 到那里。

• 了解障碍

• 欢迎人们。地道的。更有机地与其他家庭建立联系。

• 与我们的家人见面。

• 为我们不同的家庭群体提供参与决策的空间。

• 了解您学校的人口统计数据。

• Zoom 会议有助于参与,但有些家长不知道如何使用 Zoom。

• 大流行期间社区建设变得更加困难。

• 我们如何教他们使用 Zoom 并用笔记本电脑支持他们的学生?

• 我们可以使用谈话要点吗?也许它甚至可以是一个“选择加入”按钮“您想从学校的 PTA 接收信息吗?”

• 我们是否更改会议日程以跨越日期和时间?不是每个第二个星期二,一个月是星期天下午怎么样?下个月是星期五晚上?

• PTA 可以提供社区建设空间:接机时的 Apple Cider

• 邓拉普家庭茶活动- 低压。没有期望。只是一个聚在一起的空间。

• 不同的 CBO 将在那里回答问题并传播信息

• 保持会议的开放性和灵活性——也许是一项民意调查,看看什么时候是大多数人开会的最佳时间和日期?我们经常在 PTSA 的委员会会议上这样做——并继续为那些不能来的人记录会议。

• 由于税收的资助,Dunlap 优先考虑为每次会议提供口译服务。

• 在我们遇到的问题中不会感到孤单的空间。

• 集体的家庭声音具有特定的权力。

• 所有D7 学校都需要相互学习。


10/19/21 Meeting

Stakeholder engagement & transportation

Thank you to those of you who joined us last night, including Director Hersey, Ashley Davies, Mr. Mead and members of our district’s Stakeholder Engagement team.

We learned how the Stakeholder Engagement team works with our administration and buildings to better communicate with and serve our communities. We were also able to communicate to Mr. Mead and his team that we cannot rely on PTAs or Principals to authentically and meaningfully create family engagement pathways in our buildings. We need our district to prioritize funding to create positions that will build long term trust in our buildings, and center our families. Please see the link to the recording at the bottom of this email.

We will not be meeting next week. Our next meeting will be Tuesday Nov. 9. The meeting will be centered on the growth of the D7 Equity group, re-aligning the group’s mission and more clearly defining Ayan and my roll in the group: Ayan and I will be moving into a more supportive role for our D7 community members. We are working toward helping connect our D7 communities to each other and district leaders to continue this very important work. We will have interpretation in Spanish, Somali and Cantonese, and will send an agenda and zoom link closer to the date. Please send us any agenda items you would like added.


Hola, líderes de equidad de D7:

Gracias a quienes se unieron a nosotros anoche, incluido el Director Hersey, Ashley Davies, el Sr. Mead y los miembros del equipo de Participación de las partes interesadas de nuestro distrito. Aprendimos cómo el equipo de participación de las partes interesadas trabaja con nuestra administración y edificios para comunicarse mejor con nuestras comunidades y servirlas. También pudimos comunicarle al Sr. Mead y su equipo que no podemos confiar en las PTA o los directores para crear de manera auténtica y significativa caminos de participación familiar en nuestros edificios. Necesitamos que nuestro distrito dé prioridad a los fondos para crear puestos que generen confianza a largo plazo en nuestros edificios y centren a nuestras familias. Consulte el enlace a la grabación al final de este correo electrónico.

No nos reuniremos la semana que viene. Nuestra próxima reunión será el martes 9 de noviembre. La reunión se centrará en el crecimiento del grupo D7 Equity, realineando nuestra misión y definiendo más claramente a Ayan y mi rol en el grupo: Ayan y yo pasaremos a una más papel de apoyo para los miembros de nuestra comunidad D7. Estamos trabajando para ayudar a conectar nuestras comunidades D7 entre sí y con los líderes distritales para continuar con este trabajo tan importante. Tendremos interpretación en español, somalí y cantonés, y enviaremos una agenda y un enlace de zoom más cerca de la fecha. Envíenos cualquier tema de la agenda que desee agregar.

Salaan Hogaamiyaasha Sinnaanta D7,

Waad ku mahadsan tihiin kuwiina xalay nagu soo biiray, oo ay ku jiraan Agaasime Hersey, Ashley Davies, Mr. Mead iyo xubno ka tirsan kooxda ka qaybgalka daneeyayaasha degmada. Waxaan baranay sida kooxda ka qaybqaadashada daneeyayaasha ay ula shaqeeyaan maamulkayaga iyo dhismayaasha si aan si wanagsan ula xidhiidhno oo ugu adeegno bulshooyinkeena. Waxa kale oo aanu awoodnay in aanu la xidhiidhno Mr. Mead iyo kooxdiisa in aynaan isku hallayn karin PTA-yada ama Maamulayaasha si ay si dhab ah oo macno leh ugu abuuraan dariiqooyin ka qaybqaadasho qoys dhismayaasheena. Waxaan u baahanahay in degmadeena ay mudnaanta siiso maalgelinta si aan u abuurno jagooyin dhisi doona kalsooni mustaqbalka fog dhismayaasheenna, oo udub dhexaad u ah qoysaskeena. Fadlan ka eeg xiriirinta duubista xagga hoose ee iimaylkan.

Ma kulmi doono usbuuca soo socda. Kulankeena soo socdaa wuxuu noqon doonaa Talaadada Noofambar 9. Shirku wuxuu udub dhexaad u noqon doonaa kobaca kooxda D7 Equity, dib-u-habaynta himiladeena iyo inaan si cad u qeexno Ayan iyo liiskayga ku jira kooxda: Ayan iyo anigu waxaan u gudbi doonaa wax badan. doorka taageerada xubnaha bulshada D7. Waxaan ka shaqeyneynaa sidii aan gacan uga geysan lahayn isku xirka bulshooyinkayada D7 midba midka kale iyo hoggaamiyeyaasha degmada si aan u sii wadno shaqadan muhiimka ah. Waxaan yeelan doonaa tarjumaad Isbaanish, Soomaali iyo Cantonese, waxaanan soo diri doonaa ajandaha iyo isku xirka zoom ee ku dhow taariikhda. Fadlan noo soo dir wixii ajandaha ah ee aad rabto in lagu daro.

您好 D7 股票领导者,

感谢昨晚加入我们的人,包括 Hersey 主任、Ashley Davies、Mead 先生和我们地区利益相关者参与团队的成员。我们了解了利益相关者参与团队如何与我们的行政部门和建筑物合作,以更好地与我们的社区沟通并为我们的社区服务。我们还能够与 Mead 先生和他的团队沟通,我们不能依赖 PTA 或校长在我们的建筑物中真实而有意义地创建家庭参与途径。我们需要我们的学区优先提供资金,以创建能够在我们的建筑物中建立长期信任并以我们的家庭为中心的职位。请参阅此电子邮件底部的录音链接。

我们下周不开会了。我们的下一次会议将于 11 月 9 日星期二举行。会议将围绕 D7 Equity 小组的发展、重新调整我们的使命并更明确地定义 Ayan 和我在小组中的角色:Ayan 和我将进入更D7 社区成员的支持作用。我们正在努力帮助我们的 D7 社区相互联系和地区领导,以继续这项非常重要的工作。我们将提供西班牙语、索马里语和粤语口译,并会在临近日期时发送议程和缩放链接。请将您想要添加的任何议程项目发送给我们。

10/19/21 Meeting

SPS Special education Department

Hello D7 Leaders,

Please invite your Special Education communities to join us tonight, 10/19 at 6:15p. We will be joined by Dr. Pedroza, SPS Associate Superintendent, and members of our SPS Special Education Department. Please note: We will be centering our D7 Special Education community members, specifically non-white voices. If you are a white ally, please join us to listen and learn, reserving speaking time for our non-white community members. The meeting will be interpreted into Spanish, Somali and Cantonese. Zoom link and agenda below.

Por favor invite a sus comunidades de educación especial a unirse a nosotros esta noche, 19/10 a las 6: 15p. Nos acompañará el Dr. Pedroza, Superintendente Asociado de SPS y miembros de nuestro Departamento de Educación Especial de SPS. Tenga en cuenta: Centraremos a los miembros de la comunidad de educación especial de D7, específicamente a las voces que no son de raza blanca. Si eres un aliado blanco, únete a nosotros para escuchar y aprender, reservando tiempo para hablar para los miembros de nuestra comunidad que no son blancos. La reunión se interpretará al español, somalí y cantonés. Zoom enlace y agenda a continuación.


Fadlan ku martiqaad bulshadaada Waxbarashada Gaarka ah inay nagu soo biiraan caawa, 10/19 markay tahay 6:15 p. Waxaa nagu soo biiri doona Dr. Pedroza, Kormeeraha Ku Xigeenka SPS, iyo xubnaha Waaxda Waxbarashada Gaarka ah ee SPS. Fadlan ogow: Waxaan udub-dhexaad u noqon doonaa xubnahayaga bulshada D7 ee Waxbarashada Gaarka ah, gaar ahaan codadka aan caddaanka ahayn. Haddii aad tahay xulafo caddaan ah, fadlan nagu soo biir si aad u dhegeysato oo aad wax u barato, u ilaaliso waqtiga hadalka xubnahayaga bulshada aan caddaanka ahayn. Kulanka waxaa lagu turjumi doonaa Spanish, Somali iyo Cantonese. Zoom linkiga iyo ajandaha hoose.


请邀请您的特殊教育社区今晚 10 月 19 日下午 6:15 加入我们。 SPS 副总监 Pedroza 博士和 SPS 特殊教育部门的成员将加入我们的行列。 请注意:我们将以我们的 D7 特殊教育社区成员为中心,特别是非白人的声音。 如果您是白人盟友,请加入我们聆听和学习,为我们的非白人社区成员预留发言时间。 会议将被翻译成西班牙语、索马里语和粤语。 缩放链接和议程如下。



6:15p-6:30p Welcome people into the call, and get everyone in the right language channel. *English speakers need to choose English

6:30p-6:35p Welcome from co-leaders of the meeting: Hodan Mohamed and Ayan Elmi

6:35-7p Dr. Pedroza and SPS staff present:



7p-7:30p Questions from our community, including:


1. What is the process for recovery services, such as who to ask, timeline, and what area is being recovered. Is it a team decision or the parent have a say in the decision. 

2. The special education website doesn't have the necessary information such as phone numbers to program specialist and to who to ask specific issues regarding their child. 

3. What is the collaboration between the special education department, ELL, General education when it comes to a child who needs all those services at once. 


I would like someone to talk about the current special education hiring freeze.  I know many schools in the south end are short several IAs, yet they cannot hire.  Special education students were heavily impacted by remote learning.  They are supposed to be receiving recovery services.  But schools are not adequately staffed to provide current IEP services.


1. How have the budget cuts affected spEd our D7 schools overall? Which D7 schools are losing spEd staff? 

2. How were the decisions made for who to cut? Was there any equity tiering applied? Did it take into account the individual needs of the students? 

3. We are very concerned about staff displacement and the impact on the students in the Kimball Focus classrooms because our spEd families are mostly Black, brown and/or ELL. How does this decision center these families furthest from educational justice? 

4. Does the district think that a K-5 Focus class is developmentally appropriate to meet the needs of our neediest students?

5. What happens if more students across the SE qualify for more services when so many of our programs will be at or near max capacity?

6. While we want to advocate for our school and elevate this decision that families have expressed would be devastating to the progress their children have made, we also want to make sure we are being mindful of the impact this issue is having on the community as a whole and think together to arrive at equitable solutions. With that in mind, is there anything we can do to change this decision? What are your thoughts on how to do this?


7:30p-8:15p D7 community members continue the conversation, offering support and ideas to one another


D7 Director SCPTSA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: D7 Equity Meeting w/ Dr. Pedroza and SPS Special Education Department

Time: Oct 19, 2021 06:15 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 940 3261 5925

Passcode: 255081

One tap mobile

+12532158782,,94032615925# US (Tacoma)

+16699006833,,94032615925# US (San Jose)


Dial by your location

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

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        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 940 3261 5925

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ab0Pyp8ebP

10/12/21 Meeting

SPS transportation and culinary services - 10/18 disruption

Hello D7 Equity Leaders,

Our next meeting is tomorrow, Oct. 12 at 6:30p. We will be joined by School Board Director Brandon Hersey, Aaron Smith, Director of Culinary Services, and Ashley Davies, SPS Executive Director of Operations. Zoom link below. 

Interpretation will be available in Spanish and Somali. We will start the zoom call at 6:15p to give time for people to choose their language channel. Please note: All of our guests need to choose a language channel when joining the meeting, including English speakers (If you want to hear the meeting in English then you need to choose the English language channel).


6:15p-6:30p Welcome people into the call, get people into the correct language channel

6:30p-6:35p Introductions

6:35p- 6:55p Update from Director Hersey and time for community to ask questions

6:55p-7:15p Update from Ashley Davies, SPS Executive Director of Operations. Ms. Davies will share information about the Transportation shortage that we are currently facing, which will be exacerbated by the vaccine mandate that goes into effect on Oct 18.

7:15p-8:15p Update from Mr. Smith, and introductions to his staff with time for community to learn about the Culinary Services process.

- School lunch looks very different this year, with more lunch times, and some schools with multiple school lunch locations. How do we advocate for more lunch support staff? Our building admins need more lunch staff support to help make sure our students can actually eat during the short amount of time they are given.

- Discussion about how our communities can offer feedback about the food menus. What do our students want to eat? Specifically our elementary school children. Ask for information to be gathered from the students themselves, guardians and kitchen staff.

8:15p-8:30p Community members continue the conversation and offer ideas/support to one another.

 D7 Director SCPTSA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: D7 Equity Meeting W/ Director Hersey & SPS Culinary Services

Time: Oct 12, 2021 06:15 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

 Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 919 3721 3146

Passcode: 784017

One tap mobile

+12532158782,,91937213146# US (Tacoma)

+13462487799,,91937213146# US (Houston)


Dial by your location

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 919 3721 3146

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ab7wtVnym

10/05/21 Meeting

Covid Q&A with Dr. Chethan Seshadri (Univesity of washington)

D7 Co-Director O'Hara Jiménez & Ayan Elmi, would like to invite you to a Zoom meeting for Covid-19 Q&A. With all the uncertainties, concerns, questions surrounding Covid-19 and all the misinformation.

We think our communities deserve to get the right information and questions answered by medical professionals. SCPTSA was kindly able to connect us to Dr. Chetan Seshadri, who's an Allergist & Infectious Diseases at Madison Clinic at Harborview & UW. And he has graciously agreed to do a 1-hour community meeting with us on Tuesday, October 5th.

Isku-duwaha D7 O'Hara Jiménez & Ayan Elmi, waxay jeclaan lahaayeen inay kugu martiqaadaan kulanka Zoom ee Covid-19 Q&A. Iyada oo ay jiraan dhammaan hubanti la’aanta, welwelka, su'aalaha ku xeeran Covid-19 iyo dhammaan macluumaadka khaldan.

Waxaan u maleyneynaa in bulshooyinkeenu u qalmaan inay helaan macluumaadka saxda ah iyo su'aalaha ay ka jawaabaan xirfadlayaal caafimaad. SCPTSA waxay si naxariis leh u awoodday inay nagu xirato Dr. Chetan Seshadri, oo ah Xasaasiyad & Cudurada Infekshanka ee Madison Clinic ee Harborview & UW. Oo wuxuu si naxariis leh u oggolaaday inuu nala qabto shir beesha ah 1 saac oo Talaado ah, Oktoobar 5th.

El codirector de D7, O'Hara Jiménez y Ayan Elmi, quisieran invitarlo a una reunión de Zoom para la sesión de preguntas y respuestas de Covid-19. Con todas las incertidumbres, preocupaciones, preguntas que rodean a Covid-19 y toda la desinformación.

Creemos que nuestras comunidades merecen recibir la información adecuada y las preguntas respondidas por profesionales médicos. SCPTSA tuvo la amabilidad de conectarnos con el Dr. Chetan Seshadri, quien es alergólogo y enfermedades infecciosas en la Clínica Madison en Harborview & UW. Y ha accedido gentilmente a hacer una reunión comunitaria de una hora con nosotros el martes 5 de octubre.

10/1 Meeting

Culinary Services with Aaron Smith

Mr. Smith informed us that kitchen staff are running at the same capacity as they were pre-pandemic, with no increase in staffing allocated by the district for the much more difficult task of keeping our kids socially distanced by increasing the number of lunch times and lunch locations (inside/outside). Ayan and I will work to facilitate a conversation with our budgeting department to learn how we can advocate for our Culinary Services department to receive funding for more staff.

 Mr. Smith also helped us understand Culinary Services protocols, and was able to learn about ways that these protocols have not been working in some schools. Mr. Smith is going to work with his staff to fix the problems we were able to alert him to.

A new Culinary Services Administrative Assistant has also been hired, whose name is Ruby Kwon. Please email Ms. Kwon with any food issue concerns in your buildings: yjkwon@seattleschools.org

The information provided in the video in the link below is useful for all of our community members, please share it with your communities. 

We will be meeting with Aaron Smith and his team again on Oct. 12 at 6:30p. An agenda and zoom link will be sent closer to the date.

Topic: D7 Equity Adjunct Meeting with Aaron Smith/Culinary Services

Meeting Recording: https://zoom.us/rec/share/-qSWlFQDKnw9pLN0aCOhYEB8Lwou3iG-zrxxNXjDpmGryRNHC7UMizZHRKIdX4SC.7om2hwNnSZjhaiRf


Sept. 28 D7 Equity Zoom Recording

We were also joined by Bev Redmond, our new Superintendent of Public Affairs. Ms. Redmond gave us an overview of where she wants to see communication between our district and our families improve, and actively listened as we discussed ways we thought our relationship with the district could be strengthened.

Please watch or listen to the recording if you have time. https://zoom.us/rec/share/PP1_d35WOreXvhHrUFMVlF8X5lkjBq5d5iSnXRL1sZGSS85e6s8AVdE0h1WAI9oI.3nyECOFx5JWbl69f?startTime=1632878878000

Sept 14 d7 EQuity zoom REcording

Director Hersey is going to loop back with us on a couple of specifics, like when routine preventative covid testing for k-5 buildings will start, and what the details are surrounding circumstances that would trigger the district to unenroll a student. Director Hersey has also asked for a couple of days to review our letter about equity in supports for district-wide outdoor lunch. Ayan and I will forward any information/feedback we receive from Director Hersey.

It is clear from our meeting last night that our district needs help. We need some real advocacy at the city and state level. We need news organizations and the press to put pressure on Mayor Durkin, our City Council and Governor Inslee to immediately engage with our district. Our district is struggling, and it isn’t because we aren’t trying. We need help. We need more support staff (building support staff, kitchen staff, bus drivers) and we need more funding, specifically for food: For the next couple of weeks the food situation isn’t going to be good. Basically, we lost one of our major food vendors, and our backup vendor can’t get up to capacity for at least 2-3 more weeks. The people most affected by this supply chain issue are our students who rely on school lunch for invaluable calories, every day.

The link to the video last night is below. It is stuffed with information.

Please consider how you can advocate for our district by holding the city of Seattle and Washington State accountable. Our staff and administration need us to be partners in this unprecedented time: we need to demand that ALL of our kids are prioritized. We live in one of the wealthiest states, in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Let’s work to make sure our students, every single one, are centered to benefit from this privilege.

 -O’Hara Jiménez

SCPTSA SE Co-Director // Graham Hill Parent

Topic: D7 Equity Meeting With Director Hersey

Date: Sep 14, 2021 06:26 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Meeting Recording:
