Community Engagement 10/30 at 12PM & 11/02 at 6PM

Dear Community,

Seattle Council PTSA strives to be a bridge and a connector between our school communities and Seattle Public Schools. We want to share an important moment of engagement and community conversation on the Resolution on the State Board of Health Vaccine Mandate process. This October 30th event will be led by the Seattle School Board. This is an opportunity for families and school communities to hear vital information and ask their most important questions concerning this crucial topic.  We hope that you are able to attend.

In Community

Seattle Council PTSA

Here are the Details:

October 30th 12pm, General SPS Families and Staff, Directors Hampson, Dury and Rankin

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Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)

+1 206-800-4125,,115213329#   United States, Seattle

Phone Conference ID: 115 213 329#

November 2, 6pm, Students of Color, Directors Hampson, Rankin and Rivera-Smith

Join on your computer or mobile app

Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)

+1 206-800-4125,,966295686#   United States, Seattle

Phone Conference ID: 966 295 686#

This is a School Board led engagement on Resolution on State Board of Health Vaccine Mandate process. Staff are extremely busy setting up vaccine clinics (~48!) in the coming weeks.

Description: Seattle School Board resolution on COVID Vaccination Access, Acceptance and support for Board of Health Mandate for Students

Purpose: As significant disparities exist with respect to information, access and impact of COVID we are now, a month and a half in to the school year, seeing how those disparities impact our students in SPS. Seattle Public Schools has become the frontlines for Public Health management and, until such time as the virus is controlled with sufficient community immunity, expends precious educational resources on managing cases, quarantines and contact tracing and less time supporting students. Seattle Public Schools is considering a resolution that would ask the State Board of Health to being the evaluation process (the same process as every other vaccine mandated for school attendance).

While vaccines are the most effective way to combat the virus and keep our students and staff safe, we also know the aforementioned disparities mean the impact of a prospective mandate for students would also create additional disparities. Before we vocalize our support, we would like to hear from community members what they believe we need to know, what they need to know from us and our partners and how SPS can best use its education and partnership resources to mitigate disparities.