10/25/2021 Special Education Staffing Shortage Update

Dear Community,

Seattle Council PTSA strives to serve as a bridge and a connector between our school communities and Seattle Public Schools. Our board meets regularly with Superintendent Jones and his team to discuss the most pressing issues students and families face and to keep district leadership accountable.

Today we had the opportunity to ask your questions and discuss the special education staffing shortage. The information below was provided by Associate Superintendent Concie Pedroza.

- SPS has lost 3,600 students in the last two years - more than 800 of those students are students receiving special education services. Staffing adjustments had to be made to keep the special education ratio agreed in the CBA.

- Staffing ratios for students receiving special education services are outlined in the current Collective Bargaining Agreement between SEA and SPS. To maintain the right ratios, special education staffing ratios MUST be reviewed every quarter. To date, this requirement has been followed quarterly.

- Special Education staff that were originally displaced were able to relocate to their original buildings except for 15 staff members districtwide. Those will be relocating to a new school within the district - nobody (classified or certified staff) has lost their job.

- The Special Education Task Force does have parent representatives from diverse racial and ability backgrounds.

If you have additional questions about this issue, please reach out to Dr Pedroza at clpedroza@seattleschools.org

In service,

Seattle Council PTSA
