Seattle Council PTSA

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Action Alert ➜ SCPTSA is looking for testifiers on SB 5180 & SB 5123! Community please sign-in PRO for both bills!

Senate Early Learning & K12 Committee
Tuesday, Jan 21
Public Hearing starts at 8 am
Testimony can be done remotely or in person in Olympia

SB 5180 Securing the rights of students to have a safe, civil, and respectful learning community that is free of discrimination by ensuring all schools adopt and enforce gender inclusive protections, policies, and procedures.

SB 5123 Relating to expanding protections for certain students to promote inclusivity in public schools.

SCPTSA will be holding a Drop In Advocacy Hour at 2 pm tomorrow, and every Saturday throughout session to talk about how to advocate at the legislature, provide testifier support, etc. We will have interpretation into Spanish, Somali, and ASL. All are welcome! Zoom link

Questions? Please reach out to